NAPE 2023: The Investment Team

If you are looking to invest in Energy, we found your team! Reach out today to learn more about how you can invest your hard-earned money and how it can make you more. The main dropout from this show is that you must be able to translate what you do in finding hydrocarbons, and how that can make everyone money.

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NAPE 2023: Andrew Stearns

Andrew Stearns is a geologist working for TGS. TGS is a world leader in subsurface information that you can trust. He studies these data in order to develop useful products to help you find more energy! His story about the DST data in the Permian Basin is one to seriously watch

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NAPE 23: Dr. Charles Sternbach

Dr. Sternbach is a long-time member of the AAPG and a geoscientist working in the energy industry for Shell and then ran an exploration office after 14 years with Shell. GeoGulf 2023 is coming up and you can still register today to participate. GeoGulf is expected to have over 500 geoscientists, 100 talks celebrating 100 years!

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Ep 3: Ph.D. with PBE

Matt “The Skips” Scipione from the outback in episode 3 of a PhD with PBE! We talk 2023, discoveries he’s already helped make, and the tall task of reading and understanding the Magma-Metal Series rock classification by MagmaChem Research Institute. There is a lot going on in the world of Geology, but Matt’s PhD needs to be watched carefully by the community. The approach is 100% unique and he has the drive to accomplish major discoveries! Here we go!!

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Episode 129: Joseph Chrasta, Trunkline!

Trunkline is a company that is needed across all industries, especially the oil and gas industry. Joseph’s story of being a facilities engineer for an oil and gas company and one of the first tasks he was put on was, to find service companies that can do the work they are looking for… Sounds crazy, right? Can’t you just google it? Call some friends, how hard can it be?? It’s incredibly difficult to find the best service company that has a track record for you to review. Everyone knows a guy that knows a guy, but when your job is on the line, you want to do the research and see the work! Trunkline is the only place to make that possible. We’re advocating that every operator and service company should be on Trunkline actively posting their projects and results. It’s a modern technology for modern communication that’s making a difference. Join Trunkline today, and we hope you enjoy getting to know Joseph as much as we did. LETS GOOO!!

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Episode 128: Andrew Douglass

Andrew Douglass is a 10+ year petroleum landman. He started in the banking venture capital world before landman, traveling Europe and Russia looking for businesses to deploy capital to. He was at ground zero during the 9/11 attacks, he was there during the 2008 economic crisis and through it all, he has a great attitude and is super smart. He is now helping operators with lease work for mineral rights. We learned all about the leases!!

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Episode 127: Tadd Wallace, CEO of Universal Chemical Solutions

Tadd Walace is working on a solution for enhanced oil recovery in depleted reservoirs. Specifically but not limited to shale reservoirs that have seen better days! One of the most needed tech in the industry is developing a way to mitigate the decline curve, aka the company killer. Tadd is mixing butane and propane with some surfactants and really changing the game! Your wells can come back on with high IP’s and a flatter decline curve than you currently have, extending the life of the wells and increasing your economics. Call Tadd today, contact him through LinkedIn

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Episode 126: Geary Schindel, Cave Geologist

Geary Schindel is a legend in geology, he helped lead the largest cave rescue in the history of the United States! He talks about his time mapping the Mammoth caves of Western Kentucky, to becoming an expert in identifying hypogenic cave systems across the US. As a recently retired hydrologist last working the Edwards aquifer, he tells his story and speaks a great deal about his time reading the rocks! Fascinating career and discoveries.

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Episode 125: DeWitt Smith, an Oil Man

DeWitt Smith is an Oil Man, who started out as a Land Man in 1977 and quickly moved up the ranks to develop his own leases, legal, geology, and drilling prospects! He hasn’t slowed down either, Eureka! is the latest prospect located in the Permian basin and he is available with more information any time! What a story in the making, contact DeWitt at

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Ep 2: Ph.D. with PBE

Episode 2 of our ongoing series of a Ph.D. with PBE is in the books. Skip’s traversing geology in the outback with the MagmaChem perspective and the belief to make a difference. We discuss one of the wildest rocks found in outcrop, a sandstone that’s been transformed into an iron-saturated masterpiece. That’s not even for his Ph.D. just outcropping adventures! What is his dissertation going to be on? He will unravel the history of the planet from the northern Bowen Basin to Tasmania. Answering the questions, how did these rocks form, when did they form, and of course, when and how did the valuable elements and minerals emplace themselves in the system? We’re on one hell of a ride with this guy! A massive undertaking, a journey into chaos, and the destination is unknown at this time.

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Episode 124: Mark E. Thompson and the South Texas Serpentines

Mark E. Thompson has been a professional geologist for 45 years. From the trees of Wisconsin to the plains of Texas, the mining and oil and gas geology stories did not disappoint! This man has spent a career drilling the serpentine mounds around South Texas and we believe there are more discoveries to be made! We’re just starting to understand the geology of serpentinization and we’re now applying it to the real world. Let the elephant hunting begin for the new era of energy! What a show this was to start off our new journey of PBE podcasts from the famous river of San Antonio.

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UDH with PBE: Episode 1

This is an introduction to the Ultra-Deep Hydrothermal model brought to you by MagmaChem Research Institute. These are not just ideas, they have been tested and proven, and we believe will be a foundation for the next generation of resource exploration. From kids to retired individuals, let’s think about the Earth in a whole new way!!

Our co-host of the podcast Matt “The Skips” Scipione is getting a Ph.D. in Australia and we’re bringing in the new Earth model to help make discoveries. LETS GOOOOOOOO

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Ep 1: Ph.D. with PBE

There is no end without a beginning, and there is no celebration without winning! Skips is in Australia and we’re going to document every step of the way on his journey of truth and discovery pursuing a Ph.D. in Geology. LETS GOOOOOOOOO!! Our advisers during this journey will be the legends themselves, Monte Swan and Stain Keith from the MagmaChem Research institute. The geology will never be the same down under!

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Episode 123: Ph.D Adam Turner with Geomark Research

TEDrv was the talk of the Geomark booth for 2022! Adam Turner, Ph.D, took the time to sit down and talk with us at the booth this year. We talk about his career and drive as a geochemist, but also about time-lapse geochemistry from production. What’s actually changing in the hydrocarbon markers while producing a well on your lease? Where are you actually getting your oil from and how do you get more of it, or isolate it and go after a different zone? Geomark is here to help you figure that out and optimize your production. Engineers, geologists, landmen, accountants, and CEOs all should be very interested in this company and this data to better optimize their assets!

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Episode 122: Dr. Toti Larson from the BEG

Dr. Toti Larson is a Research Associate and Principal Investigator of the Mudrock Systems Research Laboratory (MSRL) consortium at the University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology. As PI of the MSRL since 2019, Toti coordinates with Energy companies to identify knowledge gaps and develop subsurface geology characterization projects that leverage the MSRL research team strengths. In his own research Toti applies geochemistry, geology, and machine learning tools to develop predictive subsurface characterization models. Toti built a Python package (CorePy) for open source sharing of subsurface characterization tools and geological characterization workflows he has developed.

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Episode 121: Alan Morgan and Bell Geospace

Alan Morgan is a lead geophysicist for Bell Geospace and someone that has done a podcast previously with PBE. We get to catch up with him at URTeC and sit through a quick edition of his Permian Basin shallow oil play found via a high-resolution gravity survey! If you have some drilling money, let’s put a PBE play together!! Thank you for the day-to-day delivery of quality gravity data and this very interesting talk on the potential shallow oil field.

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Episode 120: Geomark booth with Cristalynn Lovelady

Cristalynn has a love for rocks most geologists don’t even have! She is an account manager for Geomark Research and has found herself in a great company making a difference in the industry of natural resources. We had a great time getting to know her, her passions, and her vision for the future. We get to talk about the whiskey bottle-holding rock that appears to be a 2-mica granite peraluminous source rock from the western US…

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Episode 119: Bryan McDowell from Sabata Energy Consultants

We have now some history with Bryan McDowell and the Sabata Energy Consultants! These folks are the real deal when it comes to oil and gas geology data. Logs, core, seismic, cuttings, rock-eval, all of it! If the data exists in your area, they know it and can help you get it! As we celebrated 10,000,000 records in the database because of Geomark’s footprint added to the already robust database. LETS GOOOOO!

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Episode 118: Graham Spence from Geomark Research

Graham Spence has much experience on the analytical and technical sales side of the oil and gas business. It’s great to have someone to chat with at all times on technical questions and how to better understand how these technical solutions actually make a difference for the business. Thank you for getting us to URTeC this year and we hope for the best for you and Geomark Research for many years. Excited to keep up with your journey!

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